Serving Jewelers, silversmiths, Goldsmiths, Lapidaries and Faceters Since 1967

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Our website order form is currently down while we resituate ourselves. We are currently not taking any orders. Our online presence will resume in spring 2024, along with hopefully the launch of a new website.

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Dapping Dies, Disc cutters and Blocks for Smiths and Jewelers

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79.25.001 Steel Dapping Die $49.95
The large block features 27 depressions ranging from 1/16" to 1". The fully-ground alloy steel has a mirror-polished finish and is used to shape metals. The other side is also fully ground and can be used as a bench block. It measures 7/8" x 21/2" x 5 1/8" and weighs 2 lbs. 9 oz.

Steel and bronzeDapping Die
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79.25.002 Steel Dapping Die $32.95
79.25.003 Bronze Dapping Die $36.95
Dapping dies have a polished finish with depressions up to 13/4". Used to make beads and shape metals. Available in steel or bronze.

Round Bezel Block
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79.25.004 Round Bezel Block $112.00
Round, 17° 20 Holes, 5 – 20mm
Polished, hardened steel punch is used for forming tapered bezels. A single punch fits all depressions. The block is case hardened and has highly polished, tapered holes. Made in Italy.

Forming Block
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79.25.005 Forming Block $225.95
Size: 21/2" x 21/2" x 2"
This block has a variety of grooves including semi-circular and “V” shapes for forming and shaping. It is case hardened and measures 21/2" x 21/2" x 2". Weighs 3 lbs. Made in Italy.

Disc Cutter
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79.25.006 Disc Cutter $65.95
This small cutter features seven sizes ranging from 1/8" to 1/2". Cut perfect circles every time! The holes have been drilled, reamed and then honed to make the finest and cleanest cutter available. The punches are oil-quenched tool steel and drawn for hardness and durability. The bottom base is case-hardened and ground. Cuts metal up to 14 gauge. Total weight is 1 lb. 10 oz and measures 2" x 2".

Disc Cutter
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79.25.007 Disc Cutter $97.00
Large cutter features five sizes ranging from 1/2" to 1". Cut perfect circles every time! The holes have been drilled, reamed and then honed to make the finest and cleanest cutter available. The punches are oil-quenched tool steel and drawn for hardness and durability. The bottom base is case-hardened and ground. Cuts metal up to 14 gauge. Total weight is 2 lbs. 12 oz and measures 3" x 23/4".

Wooden Dapping Block W/Two Punches
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79.25.010 Wooden Dapping Block W/Two Punches $10.95

Two hardwood punches and dapping block for shaping cases or removing dents. Wood will not scratch or mar precious metals. The block features different size depressions on each side and is 21/4" (57mm) square.

220 West Drachman, Tucson, AZ 85705 Phone: 520.882.8750
©2000-2010 Reproduction of all content strictly prohibited without written authorization from Starr Gems Inc.
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