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Sterling Silver Melon Beads
Quantity Desired
2x3mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.24 each
2.5x3.5mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.30 each
2.5x4mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.30 each
2.5x5mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.40 each
3x4.3mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.36 each
3x5mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.43 each
3x7mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.60 each
4x6.5mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $0.63 each
4.5x7mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $1.05 each
4.5x10mm Sterling Siver Melon (Rice Shaped) Bead $1.95 each
Sterling Silver Melon Beads
220 West Drachman, Tucson, AZ 85705 Phone: 520.882.8750
�2000-2010 Reproduction of all content strictly prohibited without written authorization from Starr Gems Inc.
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